ブログ レシピ

【レシピ】簡単ミートローフ with 即席デミグラスソースの作り方(Easy Meatloaf with Demi-glace Sauce Recipe)

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これは残ったらの話ですけど ☺


 I’m sharing today my original recipe of “Meatloaf with Demi-glace Sauce” which you can save yourself from wondering what to make for dinner a couple of days. You don’t need to use exact the same vegetables as the the recipe. Just chop the vegetables available in the fridge. 

This meatloaf is versatile so that you can eat as it is on the first day for dinner with rice or potatoes, sandwich for the next day for lunch, then mix with tomato sauce to make meat sauce for past for the dinner on the next day. That’s when you can save it for that long 😉

I use Korean BBQ sauce and tomato sauce for the instant Demi-glace sauce. 


This is Korean BBQ sauce I used this time. It doesn’t matter Kalbi or Bulgogi. 

調理時間 Cook time

準備時間 Prep time: 20 min

焼き時間 Bake time: 100 min

容器 Casserole size 25cm x 18 cm ガラス耐熱容器 

10人前 Serve for 10 people 


・牛ひき肉 450g (1lb )

・牛豚ひき肉 450g (1lb )

・セロリ  2本(5mm角)

・人参 細目2本5mm角

・玉ねぎ 1個 5mm角  

・冷凍グリーンピース 1/2C (ぬるま湯ですすいで水を切る)

・パン小粉 1/2C

・牛乳 1/4C

・パプリカ 1Tbsp

・ナツメグ 1Tbsp

・オレガノ 2Tbsp

・ステーキスパイス 1Tbsp 又は塩コショウ各1/2Tbsp

・ニンニク 2片

・醤油 1Tbsp


韓国焼き肉のたれ 1/2C

トマトソース 1/2C

・水 1/4C

・焼き汁 1/2C



・Ground Beef 450g (1lb )

・Ground Pork 450g (1lb )

・Celery  2 sticks (chop in 5mm cubes)

・Carrot small 2 sticks (chop in 5mm cubes)

・Onion 1 (chop in 5mm cubes)  

・Frozen Peas 1/2C (soak in warm water and drain)

・Panko 1/2C

・Milk 1/4C

・Paprika 1Tbsp

・Nutmeg 1Tbsp

・Oregano 2Tbsp

・Stake Spice 1Tbsp or salt and pepper 1/2Tbsp each

・Garlic  2 gloves

・Soy sauce 1Tbsp


・Korean BBQ Sauce 1/2C

・Tomato Sauce 1/2C

・Water 1/4C

・Juice from the meatloaf 1/2C

Step 1


Mix milk and panko in a bowl and let it soaked for 5min.

Step 2


Dice all the vegetable in the same size about 5mm cubes.


Step 3


Mix all the ingredients well in a large bowl.

Step 4

Step 4を耐熱のガラス容器 (25cm x 18cm)400℃に予熱したオーブンでアルミホイルでカバーして30分間、カバーを取って45分間程焼きます。肉汁が透明になったら焼きあがりです。

Pack the mixed meat in a Casserole (25cm x 18 cm) and cover with a aluminum foil then baked it for 30min in a oven pre-heated at 400℃. Remove the cover then bake it for about 45min until the juice from the meat gets clear.



Take away the form that built on the meat. Make sure the juice looks clear.

Step 5


Take the juice out from the meatloaf in a small pot, add Korean BBQ sauce, tomato sauce and water then mix it. Then pour back into meatloaf casserole. You can take out oil floating on the surface before pouring on the meat to make if to less greasy.


Step 6


Cut the meatloaf into serving sizes and bake it for another 10min in the oven (400℃).

出来上がり! It's all done.
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