ブログ レシピ

【レシピ】お家で作る 生春巻きとピーナッツソース の作り方 (Salad Roll with Peanut Sauce)

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I’m sharing today my original recipe of “Salad Roll with Peanut Sauce” . This recipe is just an example of what you can wrap. You can replace them with your favourite foods. If you don’t want to use any meats, you can use pressed tofu or bean curt, or just use only vegetables. My peanut sauce is very easy to make and I can assure you that it’s more delicious than ones you can find at stores. 

調理時間 Cook time

準備時間 Prep time: 30 min

 12個分 Make 12 pieces 


ライスシート 12枚

・ハム 6枚(半分に切る:今回はターキーを使ってます)

・生エビ 18尾 (色が赤くなるまで茹でたら冷水で冷まし半身に切る)

ライスヌードル 250g(5分茹でて冷水で冷まし水を切る)

・レタス 6枚 (10cmx5cmに切る)

・きゅうり 1/2本(千切り)

・青ネギ 8cm x 24本

・大根 10cm(千切り)

・人参 10cm (千切り)



無糖ピーナーッツバター  1/2C

ホイズンソース  1/2C

・白湯  1/2C

・ニンニク 一片 (すりおろす)



Rice Sheets 12sheets

・Ham 6 pieces (cut in half: I used turkey breast sandwich meats)

・raw shrimp 18 pieces (boil till the colour changes in red and slice in half)

Rice noodle 250g (boil for 5 minutes run under cold water and drain)

・Lettuce (cut in 10cmx5cm pieces)

・cucumber 1/2 (sliced)

・Green onion 8cm x 24 pieces

・Daokon 10cm (sliced)

・Carrot 10cm (sliced)

*Mix the daikon and the carrot slices with 1Tspf salt in a bowl and squeeze them till soften then add 2Tbsp Sushi vinegar. 

Peanut Sauce

Non sugar added peanut butter  1/2C

Hoisin Sauce  1/2C

・Boiled water (cooled)  1/2C

・Garlic 1 glove (minced)

巻き方 How to wrap

1.  大き目のボールにぬるま湯を用意します。ライスシート全体を壊さない様に濡らします。


1. Prepare lurk warm water in a large bowl and wet all surface of a rice sheet. Place it on a slightly wet chopping board then line 3 shrimps red side facing the rice paper.

2. エビの上にハムを乗せ、その上にレタスを乗せます。

2. Place a piece of ham then lettuce on top of it.

3. レタスの上に大根と人参のマリネときゅうりの千切りを乗せます。写真には写ってませんが、ネギを2本も一緒に乗せます。指先で掴めるほどの麺を野菜の上に乗せます。麺の水気はしっかり切って置いて、乗せすぎには気を付けましょう。

3. Put small amount of the marinated daikon and carrot, sliced cucumber and 2 pieces of green onion on top. Make sure to drain the water from the noodle well, grab small amount of the noodle and place it on top.

Be carful not to place too much noodle.

4. 手前の端を具がかぶさるように置き、少し具ごと引きながら転がし、両サイドを畳みます。そのまま最後まで転がして出来上がりです。

4. Life the end of the rice sheet which is closer to you, cover the filling, roll it slightly as pressing the filling then fold the both sides and stick it to the rice sheet to close the sides then roll it over all the way.


Make Peanut Sauce. Mix well peanut butter, Hoisin sauce and garlic then add lurk warm water and mix well.





This is great for a party but they will stick to each other if you leave them on a plate. They get dry easily so it is best to wrap with saranwrap individually and cut in half so they will be easy to handle. 

I wouldn’t recommend to keep them in the fridge since they will become harder if you keep them there. It is best to eat them right away.

The peanut sauce wouldn’t last more than one week in the fridge so I would recommend to keep making it as you need.

レシピリスト (Recipe List)
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