I’m sharing today “Flower Zucchini Fritter” . This is a summer food which you can eat only when you find fresh flower zucchinis at a farm market or grow your own zucchini. The cheese will melt in your mouth when you have a bite on it and it goes very well with wine.
調理時間 Cook time
準備時間 Prep time: 20 min
7-8個分 Make 7-8 pieces
・花ズッキーニ 7-8本
・モッツァレラチーズ 2cm角 (花ズッキーニの数分)
・片栗粉 大さじ2杯
・卵 1個
・冷水 1/2C
・小麦粉 1/2C
・ベーキングソーダ 小さじ1/4杯
・塩 少々
・Flower zucchinis 7-8
・Mozzarella cheese 2cm cubes x 7-8
・Corn starch 2Tbsp
・Egg 1
・Cold water 1/2C
・All purpose floor 1/2C
・Baking Soda 1/4Tsp
・Salt pinch
・Pepper pinch
作り方 How to cook
1. 花ズッキーニは花の中をきれいに洗い、花の中の雌しべを取り除きます。水分はペーパータオルでしっかりと拭き取った後、チーズを花の中に入れ込み全体に片栗粉をふりかけます。
1. Clean inside of the flower and take the pistil out. Wipe the excess water with a paper towel. Wrap the cheese cube inside the flower and sprinkle the starch around the flower zucchinis.
2. ボールに衣の材料を混ぜ、1のズッキーニを一つずつ入れてチーズがはみ出ない様に花で包み衣をつけ、180℃の油で片方がきつね色に変わったら、ひっくり返しもう片方を揚げます。
2. Mix all the batter ingredients in a bowl and coat the flower zucchini one at a time making sure wrapping the cheese with the flower. Then fry them in pot of oil at 180C (preheat it medium high heat for 5min) until the bottom turns lightly brown then flip them and fry them until other side becomes crispy and lightly brown.
You can eat them with tomato sauce or sparkle some salt and pepper as you like.