I’m sharing today “Marinated Roasted Zucchini, Eggplant and Red pepper” recipe . The recipe is quite simple but by roasting the vegetable, it turns very juicy and goes very well with wine. It’ll get even better when marinated so you can make it ahead of time for a party and store it for a few days. There is no animal products included in the recipe so it’s recommended for vegetarian and vegan.
調理時間 Cook time
準備時間 Prep time: 30 min
・ズッキーニ 1本(約8mmの輪切り)
・ナス 1本(約8mmの輪切り)
・パプリカ 3個
・オリーブオイル 1/4C
・バルサミコ酢 1/4C
・Keg ステーキスパイス 小さじ1杯 又は(あら塩小さじ1/2杯と胡椒小さじ1/2杯)
・オレガノ 小さじ1杯
・Zucchini 1(Sliced in 8mm)
・Eggplant 1(Sliced in 8mm)
・Red pepper 3
・Olive oil 1/4C
・Balsamic vinegar 1/4C
・Keg Stake spice 1Tsp or Kosher salt 1/2Tsp and pepper 1/2Tsp
・Oregano 1Tsp
作り方 How to cook
1. ズッキーニとナスは8mm幅の輪切りにして、網を乗せた天板に並べ550℃のBroilで一番上のラックで片面3-5分ずつ焼き表面に焼き色を入れます。
1. Slice the zucchini and eggplant in 8mm thick. Lay them on a rack on top of cookie sheet and broil them for 3-5 min each side at 550C until you see the surface gets a little brown.
2. パプリカも Broil 550℃ で表面全体に焦げ色が付くように2分ずつ回しながら焼きます。焼き目がついたら暫く粗熱を冷まし、川を剥ぎます。そのあと2cmほどの幅でスライスします。
2. Broil the red peppers on the rack at 550C for 2min each time roasting all around the surface. Cool them down for while then peel the skin and cut them in 2cm strips.
3. ボールにマリネドレッシングを入れ、1-2の焼き野菜を入れ混ぜ、冷蔵庫で冷まします。
2. Mix all the dressing ingredients in a bowl add roasted vegetables and cool them in the fridge.
It will taste even better after cooling in the fridge. You can use mushrooms and asparagus.